
VioletDroid is a CS educational app for drawing UML diagrams on Android devices.
• Draws class & sequence diagrams to visualize the design of program
• Synchronizes diagrams in backend database using LeanCloud
• Enables sharing completed diagrams via email, Facebook, SMS, etc.

Main Screenshot

Android Framework


Design Patterns

VioletDroid uses three major design patterns: Decorator Pattern, Composite Pattern, and Observer Pattern.

Service Framework

We utilized a cloud service framework called LeanCloud in our project to facilitate user account maintenance and saving of diagrams. It’s based on AWS but it is much more convenient for developers:

How to Run

  1. Start your emulator (highly recommend Genymotion)
  2. Via bash, navigate to the VioletDroid project folder:
    ~ $ cd the_path_to_violetdroid_in_your_laptop/
  3. Execute with just one line of script in your terminal:
    ~ $ ./